As I already mentioned on this blog, my husband and I have been members of the Committee To Improve Carroll Park for more than 15 years. One of the events we helped plan during that time was the annual Halloween Haunted House and the Parade. We loved giving back to the community. At the same time, we did it for our own kids, who had a safe place to celebrate Halloween, show off their costumes and hang out with their friends.
Now, our children are in high-school and college. It is the same for the other Committee volunteers. Halloween is not a high priority for us any more. However, one of our members has agreed to organize the parade in order to keep the event going, but she needs help. She has reached out to the community. To no avail.
So pardon me for asking, but of the hundreds of young parents using the park on any given week, are there really no six or seven available to help organize an event for their kids?
They seem to have enough time to email the committee to find out about the parade, but don't respond when I write back to say that it may not happen if we do not get help.
So unless we get a few volunteers in the next week, the Committee will have to cancel the Halloween Parade in Carroll Park.
I think that it is a sad comment on the younger parents in the neighborhood. Are they really so much busier than we were ten years ago? Or have they gotten used to having other people doing things for them without getting involved themselves?
I like to believe that is not the case. So come on people. Get moving. Help organize something fun for your kids and for their friends. Its incredibly rewarding, and your children will be so thankful.
To help, email fellow volunteer Pearl Lau at pearllau@aol.com or friendsofcarrollpark@yahoo.com
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