Today was a big day for my youngest (and tallest) member of my family. After more than one and a half years of treatment it was finally "Braces-off Day." So this morning, instead of hopping onto the F train to go to his high school in Manhattan, he and I took the subway into the opposite direction. Our destination: Bay Ridge's Dentist Row on Bay Ridge Parkway.
Obviously it is an important occasion for my son, but I am pretty excited too. You see, M. did not exactly enter this treatment without major objections. Persuading him that it was a good idea to put little metal posts on his teeth and then tightening everything with metal wires took quite a bit of finesse and all my power of persuasion. Thankfully, we found a young orthodontist who knew just how to deal with a very reluctant patient.
Dr. Costalos is just young and hip enough to be able to relate to our son. I don't know how he got through to M. but whatever he said during that first appointment must have made an impression. Though still grumbling that he did not care what his teeth looked like, our son agreed to start treatment.
So started our monthly visits out to Bay Ridge and Dr. Costalos. And what a pleasure it was. I admired his patience with M. And believe me it was not easy as our son dragged out treatment by objecting to wearing at all times the teeny elastics that were meant to adjust his bite. (I used to find them a bit all over in my son's room as he discarded them out of his mouth like mini projectiles.)
Now you understand why today was so special. When M. walked out into the waiting room this morning sans metal apparatus in his mouth and flashed me a rare smile, I exchanged a quick conspiratorial and thankful look with Dr. Costalos. The result was perfect. My son now has perfectly straight teeth. And for the first time he actually genuinely seems appreciative that we had talked him into this. So, Dr. Costalos, if you read this, my thanks go out to you. And I promise that I will make sure that Mr.Teen maintains this smile by wearing his retainers. And for all of you readers, if you need a great orthodontist, here is Dr. Costalos's contact info.
Peter A. Costalos, D.M.D.
462 Bay Ridge Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11209
718 238 9888
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