There is a pretty funny letter in the window touting their chef . It actually is pretty funny:
We have wide variety of sushi and Sashimi under our roof is AIR-SHIPPED from Japan Tsukiji Market. Our master Chef MR.IKESAN has *strong* background. He has trained and worked in Japan for 7 years before moving to U.S. New York City. After working in several restaurants, he joined the highly acclaimed Bule Ribbon restaurant in the City. He has more than 10 years skilled for Japanese food with many country spices combination, and you are invited to enjoy your meals in Saki and share Our Master Chef MR.IKESAN Experience in Japan.
A Sushi-Sichuan restaurant with a "BULE Ribbon" trained chef with a *strong* background. I may just have to check this place out. I only wonder what adjective was covered up by the tape.
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