Friends, today, I have found a way of never, ever having to go to the Red Hook Post office, nor to the Cadman Plaza main office ever, ever, ever again. How, you may wonder ? Well, let me explain.
Teen Son and I dabble a bit on Ebay. So, of course when one of our item is sold, we, or I (because of course Master Teen is always conveniently in school when the object needs to be shipped) wander down to Red Hook or all the way to Cadman Plaza to bring the packages to the Post.
Oh, I hate it so. Not the walk, mind you. I rather like the exercise. But I do object to the long lines, the wasted time.
So, out of sheer avoidance, I went to the United States Post Office web site. There, I remember reading, one can pay for shipping and, get this, arrange for a pick-up.
I am sure you, clever reader, have already done this forever. But I am skeptical by nature, so I was a bit wary about paying for the postage, printing it out and then expect a mail person to actually show up at my doorstep to lug the packages away.
But you know what? It worked. I paid for the postage, printed it out, taped the printed page on the boxes and then waited. Sure enough, at about 1 Pm, a friendly postal worker rang my bell. I must have looked absolutely flabbergasted:
"You mean, it's this simple? You mean I will never have to go to the Red Hook station ever again?" I stuttered?
" That's right!" she said "We come right to you"
Ah, what an invention. Brilliant! I almost forgive the U.S. Postal Service for having wasted so much of my time in the past. I said almost!
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