Yesterday, I walked through Carroll Park on my way to Court Street. It was cold, wet and windy. As I looked over to the Bocce court, it hit me: spring and summer are a long, long way off. One of the things that make this neighborhood so special are the old men hanging out and playing bocce in a section of Carroll Park. All summer, they are there, racking the sand, watering it down and then taking turns throwing the heavy metal balls. Occasionally, a fight breaks out. Italian insults can be heard from other parts of the park. Here, in Carroll Gardens, we don't even notice any more. These old-timers are just part of the scenery. That is, until the cold weather moves in. Then, they disappear, their little fenced section of the park abandoned, locked up. The plastic chairs are turned over for the winter, the hose carefully coiled up. When will they reappear? The old bocce gentlemen will poke their gray heads outdoors again as soon as the first daffodils push through the earth. So, guys, have a great winter. See you in the spring! For Home Page, click Pardon Me For Asking
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