Aha, the first candidate for Bill De Blasio's City Council seat has just stepped forward. Brad Lander sure sounds like an intriguing choice. He certainly could bring some new perspective to Brownstone Brooklyn. But if he is Bill De Blasio's hand-picked successor, I will be suspicious of him.
In any case, the article below in New York magazine, written by Alec Applebaum, certainly did not do Landers a favor by saying "Lander is also popular with the brownstone-bourgeois crowd."
Say, what exactly does that mean? Who in Applebaum's opinion is the "BBC" crowd?
In any case, the article below in New York magazine, written by Alec Applebaum, certainly did not do Landers a favor by saying "Lander is also popular with the brownstone-bourgeois crowd."
Say, what exactly does that mean? Who in Applebaum's opinion is the "BBC" crowd?
Housing Advocate Brad Lander to Run for DeBlasio's Council Spot
Brooklyn City Councilman Bill DeBlasio plans to run for borough president, and the guy who wants to replace him is part of the borough’s urbanist next generation. "I’m running," said Brad Lander, 38, who directs the nonprofit Pratt Center for Community Development. Lander, neighbors might remember, got the Bloomberg administration to include affordable-housing incentives when rezoning the Williamsburg waterfront two years ago. A savvy political operator, Lander is also popular with the brownstone-bourgeois crowd — the Atlantic Yards Report quotes him approvingly. Even Steven Spinola, president of the Real Estate Board of New York, has battled with Lander and admits grudging respect. "He’s a bright individual," Spinola says. Having successfully fought last year to bring those affordable-housing incentives to parts of all five boroughs, Lander now wants to expand them to the entire city and require public amenities in all development. He also wants to save rent stabilization. "What I feel a lot of passion about is, shouldn’t this growth and development bring us new parks and affordable housing and jobs?" he told us. "It seems like all they bring is luxury condos." —Alec Appelbaum
To read more about Lander, click here
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