Anonymous has left the following comment on the post "Toll Brothers' Toxic Towers On The Gowanus: Is It A Deal Or No Deal?":
While developers sometimes do a good job of burying contaminants on their sites so they don't pose a risk, Toll had NO PLAN to cleanup the canal running along this property. The US Army Corp released their studies of the high level of contamination in this section of the canal well before the Sept 2004 agreement Toll entered into to purchase the site. If the Toll company was not fully aware of the level of contamination in this waterway prior to making their plan to put up residential housing here, then Toll should not be in the business of developing. It seems evident that Toll (and the mayor's office) had every intention to build along this polluted water way and never address problem with the highly polluted waterway. This section of the canal is known to have high levels of heavy metals and regularly releases coal tar bubbles that create sheen across the surface of the water as it then releases a gas which is a know carcinogen. The Toll company and the city seemed fine with this as a condition to live with. Thank goodness the EPA stepped in when they did to bring a level of "common sense" to this planning!
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