My friend Rick just made me aware of the opening reception of the new Hall Of The Gowanus, "the only exhibition space in New York City dedicated to the Gowanus Canal and its environs" at Proteus Gowanus.
Rick writes:
Eymund Diegel, an urban planner/GIS specialist/map maker, assembled historic maps of Gowanus creek, connected mill ponds, and the canal dating from the 1600’s to the present, and overlaid the historic ones with the street grid so it shows what was where relative to the present. It’s amazing to see the developments over the centuries. His maps, as well as other people’s projects, will be featured at the opening.
Thanks, Rick. Sounds incredible. I certainly will have to drop by to see the new space and the exhibit.
January 17, 2010
at 6 PM
At Proteus Gowanus
543 Union Street
at 6 PM
At Proteus Gowanus
543 Union Street
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