It was exactly a year ago that the Community were fighting to save the B75 bus line. Well, dear Reader, here we are again. This just in from Assemblywoman Joan Millman's office. She is holding a rally this Friday with Council Members Brad Lander and Steve Levin.
Her office writes:
New York State Assemblywoman Joan Millman and New York City Council Members Brad Lander and Steve Levin will hold a rally this Friday morning to protest the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (MTA) proposed cuts to local bus lines, including the B37, B71 and B75 buses. Local residents also plan to attend.
“We are urging the MTA to abandon its plans to cut bus service to this neighborhood,” said Millman. “Senior citizens and people with disabilities cannot access subway platforms and would be left out in the cold. Many more rely on these buses to travel to school, work, shopping districts and medical appointments. Ridership on these buses is expected to increase when the MTA closes the Smith-Ninth Street Subway Station later this year.”
Assemblywoman Millman has proposed several sources of potential revenue for the MTA, including re-instituting the commuter tax, estimated to raise $300 million annually in funding. Additionally, Assemblywoman Millman has introduced legislation in Albany to allow New York City to create a residential permit parking system. Revenue from the proposed residential permit parking system would be devoted wholly to bettering public transportation in New York City.
WHAT: Rally to keep full service on the B37, B71 and B75 buses
WHEN: Friday, January 22, 2010 at 9:00 am
WHERE: The corner of Smith and Union Streets in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn
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