Anonymous has left the following comment on the post "Scotto's Wine Cellar, One Of Neighborhood's Oldest Merchants, Seeks Help In Fighting Proposal To Allow Wine Sales In Grocery Stores":
This is a tough one. I LOVE Scotto's. They're the best, and i trust them. I've always gotten excellent suggestions in price ranges from 6 bucks on up. I don't think a grocery store could duplicate the service and range one gets in Scotto's. And in our neighborhood, even people who go to grocery stores, still go to bakeries and other specialty shops to get the best of everything - even though the grocery store carries bread etc. So even if a grocery store did carry wine, it would be very limited. It's a nice convenience, sometimes. But I'll vote for not allowing wine sales in grocery stores because I want to support variety of business, and if that law threatens a business, then that's no good. But it's a tough call...
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