Wow, yesterday's post about people taking their dog(s) into the "No Dogs Allowed" areas of Carroll Park certainly sparked a heated debate.
Some of you felt that it wasn't a big deal. Others thought that some dog owners in the neighborhood were self-righteous for allowing their pooches free run of the park.
One reader sent in the photos above, taken yesterday right at the entrance of the ball field.
Yes, dear Readers. That's dog shit right in the area where children play.
Kind of illustrates the problem, no?
For those dog owners who care about the official Parks Department rules on dogs in Carroll Park, here they are:
*No dogs EVER allowed off leash in the Park.
*No dogs allowed in the Ball field, children's play area, sprinkler area and planting beds.
*Dogs are allowed ON LEASHES in the area around the monument and along the Smith Street side.
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