What to do with your kids on a Monday afternoon? Here is a great idea! To celebrate its 5th anniversary, Big Movies For Little Kids has scheduled a special screening of the 1968 Beatles' movie classic "Yellow Submarine." Dancing will be allowed in the aisles. It doesn't get better than this!
From Teri and Allison, the great team behind this event:
All you need is love, and a movie ticket! The award-winning film is a milestone in lush, visually stunning, wildly creative animation and a vivid time capsule of the psychedelic pop culture of the late 60's. Fellow Beatlemaniacs, come sing-a-long with your kids to the classic song-studded soundtrack of quintessential favorites in this magical musical odyssey. (1968; Rated G; UK; Color; Animated; 90 minutes)
Big Movies for Little Kids
Time: 4pm (every other Monday, following the public school calender)
Ages: 2 and up (all ages welcome)
Location: Cobble Hill Cinemas, 265 Court Street @ Butler
Subway: F train to Bergen St.
Cost: $6.50/pp (as per theatre policy, all walkers need a ticket)For more info: www.
bigmoviesforlittlekids. blogspot.com
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